Sunday, January 11, 2009

My precious dog - Max

13 of August 2007 was the date we met Max - a Labrador mixed dog where my brother picked it up from a drain in front of his customer house. Below were some of the photos I took a day after it.

This is Max when he walking around the house for the first time.

I can still remember - Max was so little and weak when we first met it.

Now after 1 and a half year, Max grew well and it is so big and strong right now - I cant even take it for a walk alone. Max was also been trained by my baby with some basic trick like Sit, Down, Hand, Stay, Up and Fetch.

Here I share with you some of Max photos taken recently.

Lazy Max

I really hope Max will always in good health and stay longer time with us.

You may read more about Max on my baby's blog.

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