Friday, February 6, 2009

Are u Sweet or funny??

I was so excited when received a forwarded email from a friend of mine regarding a person character whether is sweet or funny.

Without further ado, I shared with you the test but sorry to say it is in Chinese and I was so lazy to translate it.


Here you go...


1. 写出以下选项中你最喜欢的颜色
A. 红 B. 橘 C. 黄D. 绿E. 蓝

2. 写出以下选项中你最喜欢的动物
A. 狗B. 猫C. 兔D. 虎E. 鱼

3. 写出以下选项中你最喜欢的花
A. 玫瑰B. 郁金香

4. 写出以下选项中你会选择听谁的音乐
A. LIMPBIZKIT (林普斯机乐团) ,
B. N SYNC (超级男孩)
C. JAY Z (饶舌歌手)

5. 写出以下选项中你会选择去哪里杜蜜月:
A. 夏威夷B. 纽约

6. 写出以下选项中你会选择看哪一部电影
B. HALF BAKED (抢救肯尼小子)

7. 写下一位异性的名字(马上想到的那个唷!)

8. 写下现在的时间

9. 写下你的年龄

10. 不用写出来但许个愿吧!


Here goes the answers...

* * * * * 解答 * 解答 * 解答 * * * * *
C=孩子气 Am I childish??? Should be... :P

A=气质 Others used to said that..

A=甜美贴心 Sweet and concern about others


B=甜美,贴心 Again

A=罗曼蒂克 I am romantic, not so sure about it..

A=甜美,贴心 Again and again

7.你写下的这个人可以会喜欢上你 Of course is my baby.

(例: 5:15=5小时又15分钟)
Oh, my time was 22.14pm

9.你必须寄出和这个数字(年龄数)一样多的人数 This is a woman's secrect.. Hehe

10.你必须回帖和转发!!! I didnt do that, means my dream wont come true lah...

11.若你实行了8, 9&10 ~您的愿望有99.9%会实现。。。

Hope you guys enjoy doing te test. Do share with me your answer as well. See ya :P

Monday, February 2, 2009

1999 5C's CNY Gathering

One of the most important gathering during my 2009 CNY was the reunion dinner with my secondary schoolmate - Form 5C after 10 years of graduation.

Although the attendees wasn't much on that day, with just only half of the classmates attended the reunion dinner. But I am really thankful to my classmate - Chou Bun in putting her affords to make this happen! She had been contacted us a month before the gathering. Tried all her ways to gather the classmates as much as possible by sending messages through handphone, Friendster messages etc. Luckily the turn up wasn't bad that day!

The Organiser - Chou Bun and me.

5C's Girls

Guys & Girls

~~ The Group Photo ~~

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

USM Reunion Dinner

Thanks to a friend of mine - Ah Chuan, I managed to have a CNY reunion dinner with a group of my friends who are all graduated from USM.

Our gathering was held in a private room of Plus One Steamboat Restaurant which is located in One Utama new wing.

All of us were busy chit-chatting while enjoying the steamboat. But to be frank, for me, the food served were so-so and the service was not up to standard also.

Ah Chuan was also kind enough to arrange a cake for a special session - birthday celebration with those who are born in January. There were 4 of us, included me!

The birthday cake!
Wonderful green tea taste!

The birthday guys and girls.
Pls : I just cant remember why am I laughing so hard!

Last but no least, a group photo was taken after the dinner.

I really hope this kind of gathering will be organised every year, even after 10, 20 or 30 years of our graduation! Looking forward to our reunion next year. And Happy New Year to all of my friends...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

My precious dog - Max

13 of August 2007 was the date we met Max - a Labrador mixed dog where my brother picked it up from a drain in front of his customer house. Below were some of the photos I took a day after it.

This is Max when he walking around the house for the first time.

I can still remember - Max was so little and weak when we first met it.

Now after 1 and a half year, Max grew well and it is so big and strong right now - I cant even take it for a walk alone. Max was also been trained by my baby with some basic trick like Sit, Down, Hand, Stay, Up and Fetch.

Here I share with you some of Max photos taken recently.

Lazy Max

I really hope Max will always in good health and stay longer time with us.

You may read more about Max on my baby's blog.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Chinese zodiac 2009

Received an email from a friend of mine on the fortune of Career, Money, Love and Health in 2009 based on the Chinese Zodiac.

Below is the analysis of my zodiac in 2009 (from For those who have same zodiac with me, you may check in out also.

Chicken people had a better luck than most of people last year. The best parts were in career and wealth area. The good luck of Chicken people will continue to carry over in 2009, year of Cow. Since the foundation of previous preparations, Chicken people can manage their tasks with half the efforts and yield twice the result. However, more Unlucky Stars gathering in 2009, Chicken people will face more blockages and troubles than 2008. Chicken people have to do more analysis in advance, carefully plan their approaches, watch their progress, prepare for unexpected obstacles, if they want to meet their expectations as 2008.

Career: There are two strong Lucky Career Stars appearing in 2009. The signs indicate your have steady career luck. You have potential in your career performance or business development. That means you have a chance to gain more power, responsibilities and even get a job promotion. So you can plan for your strategy to push your goal and deliver an outstanding achievement. Then your reputation will help you to create the career opportunity. However, there are some tiny Unlucky Stars coming in the same time. Therefore, someone might appear to question your plan, weaken your judgment and block your performance. You must handle all the issues with caution to avoid moving your plan to the wrong direction, otherwise you will lose your career opportunity.

Money: Since your career luck is good. There is a chance of job promotion. There also is a Lucky Money Star showing in this year. That means not only your job performance brings your more money, also your money investment will increase your wealth. In short, you will have money income from different sources. However, you may like to enjoy your luxury life. Because of your vanity and extravagance, you will spend most of your money and only with a little saving.

Love: Many Chicken people are full of emotion. Their hearts are easily moved with passion when meeting a opposite sex. They are very attentive and considerate to people. Chicken and Cow have the attraction relationship, but there is an Unlucky Star appearing in love area. This sign implies a temptation and misunderstanding between love relationship. If you are a single, then you might have the chance to meet the opposite sex, but you still cannot catch any love relationship in the end. If you are already in love, your relationship will face the challenge. Someone might stir up trouble between you and your lover. If you cannot handle it well, you might lose the relationship. If you are married, the third party might involve your marriage life. You need to carefully manage the situation to save your marriage.

Health: There two Unlucky Stars showing in the health area. The hint of signs is related to bleeding, breaking and accident. Therefore Chicken people need to pay more attention on their safety and health. You need to carefully use danger tools every time. You have to stay alert on the street. You must focus when driving. You should watch any unsafe object around your environment at work and at home to avoid unnecessary accident caused by neglect.

Fortune: Basically, Chicken people have good luck in 2009, year of Cow. The main reason is the Chicken and Cow have the attraction relationship. They only have poor luck in health. The love relationship is fair. But the career luck and money luck are pretty good while comparing with others. The best part is the money opportunity. As long as you don't spend too much, your wealth will increase a lot. As for love, you need to spend more time with your partner with frank and sincere attitude to stop misunderstanding caused by others. In health, you should make sure you have enough time to rest and watch for your safety at home and outside.